Outstanding Student of the year

Each year, Tennessee Home Education Association (THEA) honors outstanding homeschool students from across the state. These are students who exemplify excellence not only in academics, but also in areas such as character, service to their communities, and personal achievement.
We are in the process of selecting one or two students to represent West Tennessee. If you are interested in nominating a junior or senior for this honor, you will find the link to the nomination form below.
Also, these students will be honored with a special stole and a plaque.

PLEASE NOTE:  ALL COMPLETED NOMINATIONS MUST be in by noon on February 7, 2024.

Eligibility for nomination

  • Candidate must be a current member of WTHEA  (Join Here) 
  • Must be a homeschooled junior or senior
  • Must be willing to physically represent West TN at THEA Capitol Hill Rally Day Tuesday, March 26, 2024.
  • Completed application. Candidates without a complete application by the deadline will not be eligible for consideration.

Consideration for WTHEA’s Outstanding Student Award

  •  Complete online nomination form
  •  Submit MINIMUM of one letter of recommendation by deadline. (personal, academic, community, professional,   etc.)

The Outstanding Student to represent West TN will be selected by an appointed panel of at least five members of the community, from either or both the homeschool and non-homeschool arenas, based on personal achievement, academic merit, community impact, and public service.